Equipping for Long Term Impact
The original SUMMIT was born about 15 years ago in Gig Harbor and led by a few visionary gals who thought sharing programming information would be helpful.
And so it was. Very helpful. The North SUMMIT was born in 2017 and has basically paralleled the South SUMMIT and become a segway to a regional SUMMIT. Many of the leaders began asking for leadership help and ideas, so we added the leadership component - hence- The Leadership SUMMIT was born in 2018.
Leadership can be hard and down right frustrating with unclear expectations and moving targets. It can be fun and fulfilling too. Partner with us, through the SUMMIT, and lets "EQUIP FOR LONG TERM IMPACT". Because leaders are important.
How do we attract & retain younger members?
How do we get people to step up & volunteer?
How to get the old guard to let go and embrace new ideas
Motivating people to be more actively involved. How to mentor the next generation.
How to get new members welcomed and participating